Thesis: Ankle sprain prevention - from evidence, via practice, to the athlete

Thesis: Ankle sprain prevention - from evidence, via practice, to the athlete

On Wednesday September 7th, Kasper Janssen will defend his PhD thesis "Brace versus Balance Board", on the cost-effectiveness of preventive measures against secondary ankle ligament injuries. Prevention of ankle sprains could preserve health in people who participate in high-risk sports and in those who have suffered a previous ankle ligament injury.

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Bracing is the cheapest measure to prevent recurrent ankle sprains

Ankle sprains are the most common sports-related injury, associated with a high rate of recurrence and societal costs. Recent studies have emphasized the effectiveness of both neuromuscular training and bracing for the secondary prevention of ankle sprains. This study evaluated the cost-effectiveness of the separate and combined use of bracing and neuromuscular training for the prevention of the recurrence of ankle sprains. 

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