Effectiveness of VolleyVeilig: the prevention of injury among youth volleyball players


  • The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw)


  • Nevobo

  • VeiligheidNL

  • UMC Groningen

  • Dotcomsport


Volleyball is played by around 500,000 Dutch youth and adult residents. In the Netherlands, volleyball is in the top 5 sports with the highest number of injuries. Therefore, the Dutch Volleyball Federation (Nevobo) initiated the development of a warm-up programme called ‘VolleyVeilig’ for youth and adult volleyball players to prevent injuries.

The effectiveness of ‘VolleyVeilig’ has been recently assessed through a randomized prospective controlled trial among recreational adult volleyball players. The logical next step is to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention for youth volleyball players.

Objective of the project is to evaluate the effectiveness of ‘VolleyVeilig’ over one-season (2019-2020) on injury rate, severity, and burden among recreational youth volleyball players using a prospective controlled design. Secondary aim is to evaluate the delivery and use of the programme within the context of the effectiveness study, in order to explain programme outcomes and gain insight in facilitators and barriers that influence the uptake of the programme by youth volleyball trainers/coaches (process evaluation). Results will be used to optimize the programme for post-trial implementation and nationwide release by Nevobo.